COMPASS - Hsinchu, Taiwan - May 24, 2019
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COMPASS 2019 - Hsinchu, Taiwan
FormFactor’s users’ conference, COMPASS comes to Hsinchu, Taiwan on May 24, 2019. At the event, speakers will share test insights on a wide variety of emerging applications, such as 5G, silicon photonics and high-power devices. Attendees will learn practical tips on how to improve test accuracy and efficiency. In addition to technical sessions, attendees COMPASS participate in networking opportunities to discuss creating the future of the connected world!
When: Friday, May 24th – 10:00 – 15:00
Where: GIS HSP Convention Center, 4nd Floor (Room 403) Hsinchu Science Park
Cost: FREE
COMPASS 2019 - Taiwan Agenda
Click the links below to download presentations.
COMPASS 2019 - Taiwan Registration
When: Friday, May 24th – 10:00 – 15:00
Where: GIS HSP Convention Center, 4nd Floor (Room 403) Hsinchu Science Park
Cost: FREE